kiri ryllae

art dealer | broker | terrible actor

“what begins at the water shall end there, and what ends there shall once more begin"


Name: Kiri RyllaeRace: Viera (Rava)Pronouns: He/theyOrientation: Pansexual, PolyamorousOccupations: Art Dealer, Black Market BrokerCanon Class: Red Mage, ReaperMBTI: ENFJ-TSpeech Pattern: Heavy Icelandic Accent

Kiri is a Rava Viera, somewhere in his 70s or 80s. He stands around 6'3 (7'5 with his ears). He has long, dark brown hair that is often intricately braided or pulled back. His eyes are heterochromatic, one pink and one violet, and his left ear flops over about halfway up where the cartilage was broken. He is most often seen wearing dark colors (blacks, silvers, reds). Kiri has several scars, most notably a set of twisted claw scars around his left elbow.

Kiri is extroverted, curious, and charismatic. He is often found at the center of a crowd, and would be the first to strike up a conversation with anyone. Kiri's work as a knowledge broker and collector has gained him connections all across Eorzea, from the wealthiest elite to the lowest criminal circles. As such, he's a bit of a social chameleon, always molding himself into the best possible fit for his audience and goal. Despite this, he has a strong sense of personal morality, and it can be very hard to sway him from what he believes is right. His determination has a tendency to steamroll deeper connections.


Kiri was born into a remote tribe of Viera in the jungle of Golmore. His mother was a talented weaver and instilled a love for the art in Kiri at a young age. Together, they would create clothing, rugs, and tapestries for their tribe and for trade.When Kiri reached young adulthood, he was tasked with helping his brothers defend their tribe's borders, a solitary but necessary role. To pass the months, he would often wander through the ancient ruins buried within the jungle. He came to admire the sculptures and languages carved in relief in the ancient stone, and would often work those colors and patterns into his textiles.One such ruin was the home of a sacred artifact: a hunting horn that belonged to the first matriarch of his tribe. The horn was priceless, bestowed with powerful magic. Legend says the spirit of the matriarch was intertwined with the horn and protected them from harm. One night under Kiri’s watch, a band of treasure hunters raided the ruins, looting anything they could carry. They stole the horn from its protective wards and disappeared.
Following the theft, the tribe quickly spiraled into disaster after disaster. Famine, disease, natural disasters, one right after the next. The magic that had protected them for centuries was gone, leaving them to ruin.
The guilt weighed heavily on Kiri. In order to right the wrong and save his tribe, he left the forest in pursuit of the horn and the thieves who stole it.
His hunt brought him to Eorzea, Limsa Lominsa to be specific. It took time, but Kiri managed to adjust to the new culture. Joining a roving adventuring guild disguised as a theater troupe helped broaden his search. Despite finding new allies and leads, Kiri was still met with dead end after dead end. With the help of the troupe, he carefully worked his way up to the upper echelons and down into the lowest circles of Eorzean society, frequenting museums, collections, and black market auctions.
Kiri’s notoriety as a shrewd artifacts dealer and patron of ancient arts developed over the years. His dealings with all reaches of socierty brought him valuable knowledge. In between soirees with wealthy collectors and underground meetings with black market smugglers, Kiri used his insider knowledge to further his cause. He used his growing network of connections and knowledge to his advantage. Many of Eorzea's elite would pay a pretty penny for just a taste of the secrets Kiri held. He earned the title of Broker of Knowledge, and became somewhat of a black market commodity himself.To this day, despite all of his connections and hard work, Kiri is no closer to finding the horn. As he falls deeper into the world of the underground, he continues to lose sight of what he is searching for.


✦ Broker of Secrets:Found yourself in need of some illicit information? Blackmail material? Kiri's your guy. He holds a wealth of intel on Eorzea's elite, from cocktail gossip to insider trade knowledge. And if he doesn't know, he's got a network of people who do.
✦ The Ryllae Collection:Kiri is the owner and proprietor of an up-and-coming private collection and art gallery in Kugane. Named in honor of his Mother, the Ryllae Collection features a revolving showcase and is always open for private events. Perhaps you've heard of it? Or, maybe you've heard of the other services the Collection the right client.
✦ That Belongs in a Museum:Kiri is a strong activist for "leaving shit where you found it." Though in many cases, museums can be beneficial in the preservation of ancient artifacts. Kiri often works in museums and galleries, aiding in restoration and education. Perhaps you've heard him speak on Yanxian relief sculptures or traditional Doman painting styles.
✦ Goobbue Gang Theatric Association:Kiri joined the Goobbue Gang out of pure interest in the spoken arts. He failed to realize their true purpose until much later. The covert adventuring gang has proven very helpful to his endeavors, and he's even gotten to perform a few times! Maybe you've seen some of his (frankly, terrible) performances, or seen his costumes on stage.


✦Fledgling Reaper:Kiri is the newfound host to a strange and not quite benevolent voidsent. They found each other when a deal when south and Kiri barely made it out with his life. His relationship with his avatar is still rocky, and he isn’t sure the limitations of his newfound abilities. Perhaps you feel a strange darkness following him, and wish to know more.


Hi! I'm Kiri's player, Kate. I'm 24 and based out of the EST time zone.I am fairly new to the FFXIV RP scene, but have a strong background in writing and RPing on other platforms. I tend toward para or multi para rps on discord, but I'm more casual with in-game rp.I love going to venues and just vibing in game. If you see me around, please feel free to shoot a /tell!IC does not equal OOC. I am not my character and my beliefs, opinions, and thoughts are not one and the same with my characters. IC relationships are strictly IC. Please respect that <321+ only
All RP welcome, but please ask before initiating heavy or NSFW content.
Ask for Discord ♥

Sae Hvantir

Kiri's husband and solid anchor. They met through the Goobbue Gang troupe, where Sae works as a bouncer. They may have hated each other at first, but they've since forged a deep, unbreakable bond. Sae may not talk much, but he keeps Kiri grounded and focused (And Kiri can talk enough for the both of them).

Rhyan Mellios

A mentor, friend, and positive influence in Kiri's life. Rhyan is the leader of the Goobbue Gang theater troupe and the reason Kiri joined in the first place. He's become a strong mentor to Kiri, passing on the art of The Red and a love for dueling. Kiri respects Rhyan deeply.